Unlock the potential of sport

‘Unlock the potential of sport, recreation and physical activity’ urge sector leaders

August 3, 2022

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A coalition of sports, recreation and fitness organisations have called for the government to fully realise the benefit of the sector. CIMSPAThe Sport and Recreation Alliance, and the Sport for Development Coalition have combined forces to call for radical reform to support the development of the sector.

The report Unlocking the Potential was released earlier this month, giving a strategic vision for how to harness the sector. It targets the nation’s physical, mental, and social wellbeing post-pandemic.

The Levelling Up Agenda, announced by the government, details the priorities for the nation, for which the report argues the integral nature of the sector for delivering those priorities. It proposes concrete systemic interventions, including investment, tax and regulatory changes and wider policy reform.

The National Sector Partners Group, which includes Active Partnership, CIMSPA, the Local Government Association, Youth Sport Trust, and the organisations mentioned above, help their members deliver £85bn per annum in social value. The leaders of this group have impressed the importance of that value in educational attainment, community cohesion, reduced crime, and economic impact.


Want to get on first-name terms with CIMSPASport and Recreation Alliance and The Sport for Development Coalition? Why not have a listen to The Drive Phase podcast, where we have leaders and representatives from all three organisations outlining their focus, career development and values with host James Moore. Find us on our website and everywhere you listen to your podcasts.

To find out more about the report and what it includes, see here.

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