Upskilling in the workplace

Upskilling in the workplace: Why workplace training is an investment in business growth

May 23, 2021

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Your coaching delivery team represent your business when they deliver lessons for your customer schools and organisations. They are your front-line when they represent your business, service, and when engaging with your customers.

They should value continuous professional development and understand how developing their skills improves the customer experience.

Not investing in developing and training your team can negatively impact your business. 94% of employees are more likely to stay loyal to their employers if there are genuine development opportunities.


Key steps to investing in training and impacting your growth


Hire the right people

Many providers have already worked tirelessly to create a quality and experienced team. These core and invaluable employees usually have a growth mindset and understand the importance of skills and training.

As you grow, if you need to hire new staff, you must protect those team dynamics and inject talent that fits your companies values. The right people will want to develop their skills because they know it will improve their delivery and ultimately make them better coaches, teachers and instructors.

Your hiring process needs to look for the skills in an employee that fit their business needs and showcases their dedication to self-improvement. A positive attitude towards training and development is an indicator that shows if a prospective employee is willing to handle a challenge.

Prospective candidates who demonstrate a desire to develop will usually be proactive when they become employed. Maintaining consistent training and induction of new candidates creates an environment of upholding standards.

Coordinate Sport can help your business streamline the onboarding process and support managers in identifying areas for growth and development within their team.


Keep hold of quality staff

Keeping your talent is a crucial part of reducing costs. Consistent review and individual goal setting will motivate your good people to continue developing. With the right tools, your managers could align this with your growth plans, ultimately improving staff retention and maintaining a quality service.

An unhappy, unchallenged team could result in increased costs and resources to replace those team members. A team with limited experience will impact the quality of your service, your reputation and ultimately stifle your growth.

Neglecting your team can cause them to become disengaged and look to your competitors to improve their opportunity for career development or escape the industry altogether. As many as 80% of employees never reach their potential with 4 out of 10, feeling disengaged at work.

More than ever, the industry needs to keep qualified forward-thinking coaches in the sector to continue positively impacting the health and wellbeing of children and young people.


Hire the newly qualified

The activities sector is full of young people who want to embrace learning new skills and put their existing ones to work. Choosing to overlook an inexperienced hire who otherwise has the right attitude could be a missed cost-effective opportunity to scale your team.

Investing a small amount of time in developing a newly qualified team member could help to gradually build your capacity to take on new business opportunities throughout the year.

The UK government recently updated their Traineeships and Skills Bootcamps initiatives, providing businesses with a fully-funded solution.


An agile team can adapt

Offering your coaches and instructors an opportunity to expand their training or upskill not only demonstrates you value their work but gives you a whole host of well-qualified employees with new skills.

Training and workshops can increase their ability to deliver multiple subject areas and improve their capacity for more delivery hours. These types of employees help a company diversify and continue to grow.

For a remote team, it is also necessary to provide them with the right tools. Not only will it improve efficiency across your organisation, but communication and quality of delivery will improve too.

Organisations that use technology and are aware of its ever-changing nature are much more likely to be flexible and adaptable. Collaborative work scenarios will improve teamwork and engagement.


Increase engagement

Engagement is a two-way street. Managers who invest time in their team understand the impact caring for them has on achieving the companies goals as a collective.

If managers care about their employees’ development and progression, they are more likely to genuinely care about what happens to the companies future and contribute to helping it expand. They will also have a better understanding of their objectives and work hard to achieve them.

Surveying your team and measuring engagement will provide you with the potential to learn what training your team values and invest in more of that in the future.

Training may not be high on the agenda in your growth and expansion plans. However, in the current climate investing in your team could be the fastest way to grow together. Upskill your workforce for long-term impact and quality delivery.

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