
Make the robots do the work for your data

April 15, 2021

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Automating your data in an activities business can save you bags of time and energy. The fallback for businesses where the spreadsheets are still working is to ignore technology until you need it. You’ve got schools on the books, a reliable coaching team and the parents are happy. Why change?

Problem is, while it’s just working, your business isn’t growing. Just working shouldn’t be your focus. Thriving should be your focus. When you win, everybody that works with you wins. Growing can also be growth in lots of different directions.

Not just more customers but evolving your service, providing mentorship, expanding the way you teach so you can get into the minds of the people you’re working with.

If you’re only considering where you are now, you have no time to make predictions. This is where data and understanding what data can do for you comes in.

Business data, that is insights on how your customers engage with your business and how you engage with your customers, are essential to making good intelligent decisions. You can segment that data in whatever way allows you to make the best decisions.

You can get real-time evidence on your performance; data analysis is your stopwatch in a sprint. The more you know, the more you can improve.

That old chestnut is still true. Time is money. So don’t split your attention across multiple platforms. Once you understand how you can use data, why search in multiple places on multiple platforms to analyse your data?

Consistent reporting and analysis in one platform keeps you from wasting time trying to make decisions by pooling together insights from all manner of places.

All in one place, and it’s much easier to A/B test the popularity of a session or a set of skills. It’s easier to gauge what your customers want or are looking for when they use your touchpoints. You can also zero in on the mistakes so you can make less of them.

Engage with the kind of platforms that allow you to gain real-time insights and regular reporting. It means you can test the data, move coaches around, trial new skills or sessions, maybe even bench a session in time for a relaunch.

Once you’ve brought your data and sat all those facts and figures in one place, you need to use it. Businesses often fall foul when they won’t data to tell them what they’ve already decided. Data is for assessing, measuring and optimising.

The more time you and your team spend getting used to using the data, the more confidence you’ll feel with it. Give yourself time to get used to it, and you’ll trust the robots to do the work for you.

There are examples of marketing tools like Adroll or Hubspot – they present marketing solutions that allow you to A/B test campaigns, bringing in multiple platforms such as web, social media and mobile to provide results.

The point is that each provides you with a way to produce an answer to your problem. The best solutions however come from platforms engineered to provide solutions to your problems and help you make decisions.

Platforms that can be integrated into your existing structures. To help you get the best of your business with the least amount of work.

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