sport for employability

Coalition launches ‘sport for employability’ policy initiative and call for submissions

July 7, 2021

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In the face of the challenges that young people have faced in employment due to the pandemic, the Sport for Development Coalition has launched a new policy initiative.

The initiative hopes to draw attention to the negative economic impacts, predominantly for the young, which saw youth unemployment rise to 14.4%, with more than half losing their jobs altogether.

According to the Coalitions’ research, many people have found finding advice and support around jobs, work experience, skills and training lacking, with 85% of 18 to 34-year-olds saying they could not find any local support.

Understanding that the deep-rooted issues in employment could not be solved without collaboration, the Coalition formed the Youth Employment Group (YEG).

YEG, a combination of Impetus, the Youth Future FoundationThe Institute of Employment Studies and The Prince’s Trust, called for the Government to make an ‘Opportunity Guarantee’ for the UK’s young people. Chancellor Rishi Sunak then extended Kickstart, an initiative based on tackling and alleviating youth unemployment.

The Coalition is calling for submissions that will help define the contribution that sport, physical activity and sport for development fields make on employment-based initiatives. Any evidence found will be used to produce a sector-wide report designed to illustrate the importance that the sector has had in this trying time.

Find out more about the initiative and send your submissions for the report to the Coalition through the link here.

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