The Sport Development Coalition and its supporters are supporting a new plan which aims to ensure that secondary schools offer two hours of extra-curricular sport every week. It will provide better quality sporting opportunities, help boost academic attainment, and reduce youth crime.
The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) has released a report that outlines what pupils in secondary schools should expect. The authors believe that ‘Game Changer: A plan to transform young lives through sport’ is a radical solution to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The two additional hours on top of traditional PE time would be delivered as part of new funds. They would support existing extracurricular activities being provided to schools in conjunction with grassroots organisations. The plan supports at least two key outcomes highlighted by the #OpenGoal Shared Advocacy Framework:
- Closing the gap in education and development
- Reducing crime and anti-social behaviour
To find out more and to read the plans, see here.