"Better communication, easier planning and more flexibility – Coordinate has made a huge difference to us. Our staff always know where they need to be, and managing changes at short notice is so much easier. Swapping multiple spreadsheets for a single centralised system means less confusion, fewer wasted trips, and no missed activities – its benefited everyone."
Katie Tasker
HR & Operations Manager

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HR & Staff Management

Uniting a charitable foundation with Coordinate

September 21, 2019

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The Client

Newcastle United Foundation is an independent charity supported by Newcastle United Football club. It aims to improve the lives of people across the North East, by delivering a wide range of football, sports and activity programmes in schools and across the community.

Each year, it works with children, young people and families across the region – encouraging them to engage with football, sport, and physical activity to boost health, wellbeing and community cohesion.

The Challenge

In 2017, the foundation was expanding fast, working with tens of thousands of people across the North East every year – but keeping track of the ever growing team and activity schedule was becoming increasingly difficult.

The management team had been relying on spreadsheets to organise and schedule activities across dozens of venues. Trying to plan out multiple activities, organising increasingly complex staff schedules and managing ever-changing requirements on weekly spreadsheets was leading to confusion – keeping track of everything was a nightmare.

The system simply wasn’t working anymore, so they went looking for some scheduling software that would help them to improve things, increase visibility and regain control for the benefit of everyone. After shopping around and trying out several solutions, they chose Coordinate.

The Solution

Coordinate has put the Newcastle United Foundation back firmly in control of its teams, providing improved visibility, more accountability and increased organisation across all the activities it delivers.

Now, every team member knows what they are doing, where they need to be and when. They can check on their schedule at any time, from any device, and should anything change, they are notified straight away. The result is fewer missed activities, less confusion and more flexibility.

Forward planning has been revolutionised. Now, instead of weekly spreadsheets, the foundation can plan activities for the entire year – making everything easier to manage, from a single, easy to use platform.

The Future

Newcastle United Foundation has continued to expand, and in 2018, helped more than 58,000 people across the North East.

Now, the charity is expanding its use of Coordinate to help further streamline admin and payroll. Many of its team members work flexible hours, and currently, they all have to fill out timesheets.

Coordinate provides complete visibility over where their staff members – and going forward, the foundation is going to use this functionality to eliminate the need for timesheets entirely, saving team members time, and making payroll much quicker and easier.

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Newcastle United Foundation

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