Scheduling & Invoicing

Bikeability Assessment & Reporting

Health & Safety Management

Bristol City Council provides cycling training under the national Bikeability scheme, offering cycle instruction to adults and children with a range of abilities and experience levels.
The team provide an inclusive cycling program, with three levels of training delivered to children in local primary schools and secondary schools as well as people of all abilities and age.
The goal of the program is to improve the participants’ confidence and cycle skills.
At their cycle centre, they provide specialist support and training for people of all ages and abilities, so they can enjoy cycling together.
Bristol City Bikeability had been left without a booking system after the new 2018 GDPR rules came in, making their system too expensive for their provider to update.
Their neighbouring team in South Gloucestershire had the same issue and both teams were left muddling through with spreadsheets in order to run classes!
The team, therefore, needed a replacement platform with an efficient booking system enabling them to see an overview of their cycles and timetable.
As the needs of their participants grew, greater accessibility and clarity was required.
They came across Coordinate Sport at a Bikeability Convention in 2018 and recognised that they had previous experience in this area.
They made the switch quickly benefitting from the ability to allocate staff appropriately, as well as features that gave them an overview of all timetabled sessions. For the teams’ funders, Coordinate Sport’s reporting functions provided the team with additional compliance tracking.
Coordinate Sport will continue to provide support to the Bristol City Bikeability team, working to improve their skills with the platform and troubleshooting any issues.
As the pandemic continues, the Coordinate Sport platform has aided them with sorting between cycles for varying abilities, keeping them sanitised and enforcing new regulations that keep them compliant and safe.
The Bristol City team are hoping to explore other features such as managing staff hours and even include public booking in the near future.
Having problems? Contact us, we’re here to help.